Samantha presented a poster on the effects of an image-based smartphone intervention on doctoral students’ belonging uncertainty at the Intervention Science preconference at #SPSP2020 in New Orleans, LA.
Samantha presented a poster on the effects of an image-based smartphone intervention on doctoral students’ belonging uncertainty at the Intervention Science preconference at #SPSP2020 in New Orleans, LA.
Danfei presented a data blitz on the value of trust in student-advisor relationships at the Motivation Science preconference at #SPSP2020 in New Orleans, LA.
Danfei presented a data blitz on the value of trust in student-advisor relationships at the Motivation Science preconference at #SPSP2020 in New Orleans, LA.
Jonathan and former GISP-lab member Mikey Pasek are authors on a new article in Nature Human Behavior that examines effects of intergroup contact on members of socially advantaged and disadvantaged groups in 69 countries.
Jonathan and former GISP-lab member Mikey Pasek are authors on a new article in Nature Human Behavior that examines effects of intergroup contact on members of socially advantaged and disadvantaged groups in 69 countries.
Jonathan and former GISP-lab member, Lauren Spencer, co-authored an article in the International Journal of MS Care showing that chronic illness stigma decreases across the lifespan.
Jonathan and former GISP-lab member, Lauren Spencer, co-authored an article in the International Journal of MS Care showing that chronic illness stigma decreases across the lifespan.
Jonathan is the guest editor of an issue of the International Journal of MS Care that examines the role of stigma in multiple sclerosis.
Jonathan is the guest editor of an issue of the International Journal of MS Care that examines the role of stigma in multiple sclerosis.
The GISP lab is excited to welcome Samantha Stevens, who joins us as a first-year Ph.D. student this fall!
The GISP lab is excited to welcome Samantha Stevens, who joins us as a first-year Ph.D. student this fall!
Jonathan and former GISP lab member Mikey Pasek wrote a blog post for the SPSP Character & Context Blog, The Negative Spiral of Religious Intolerance.
Jonathan and former GISP lab member Mikey Pasek wrote a blog post for the SPSP Character & Context Blog, The Negative Spiral of Religious Intolerance.
Jason published an article in Journal of Bisexuality reviewing Ritch Savin-Williams’s book Mostly Straight: Sexual Fluidity Among Men.
Jason published an article in Journal of Bisexuality reviewing Ritch Savin-Williams’s book Mostly Straight: Sexual Fluidity Among Men.
Check out all the presentations by GISP lab members and affiliates at #SPSP2019 in Portland, OR!
Check out all the presentations by GISP lab members and affiliates at #SPSP2019 in Portland, OR!
Danfei presented a poster (with Hyun Joon, Peter, and Jonathan) on student-advisor relationships at the Motivation Science preconference at #SPSP2019 in Portland, OR.
Danfei presented a poster (with Hyun Joon, Peter, and Jonathan) on student-advisor relationships at the Motivation Science preconference at #SPSP2019 in Portland, OR.