Jonathan led a symposium and gave a talk on psychological interventions to reduce social stigma at the APS convention in San Francisco, CA.
Jonathan led a symposium and gave a talk on psychological interventions to reduce social stigma at the APS convention in San Francisco, CA.
Michael received a 2014 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Michael received a 2014 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Jonathan published a paper on interventions to reduce the impact of stigma on public health.
Jonathan published a paper on interventions to reduce the impact of stigma on public health.
Jonathan mentioned in New York Magazine article on racial achievement gaps.
Jonathan mentioned in New York Magazine article on racial achievement gaps.
Jonathan was an author on a paper finding that writing about belonging is an “active ingredient”? in the success of affirmation interventions.
Jonathan was an author on a paper finding that writing about belonging is an “active ingredient”? in the success of affirmation interventions.
Jonathan wrote an article on the future of print news for The European magazine.
Jonathan wrote an article on the future of print news for The European magazine.
The GISP lab welcomes Nicole Horner, who joins us as our new lab manager!
The GISP lab welcomes Nicole Horner, who joins us as our new lab manager!
Congratulations and best wishes to Jackson Harper, our erstwhile lab manager, who will be leaving us to study information and library science as a graduate student at Indiana University at Bloomington! We are very thankful for all that he has done for the lab.
Congratulations and best wishes to Jackson Harper, our erstwhile lab manager, who will be leaving us to study information and library science as a graduate student at Indiana University at Bloomington! We are very thankful for all that he has done for the lab.