Danfei presented a data blitz on the value of trust in student-advisor relationships at the Motivation Science preconference at #SPSP2020 in New Orleans, LA.
Danfei presented a data blitz on the value of trust in student-advisor relationships at the Motivation Science preconference at #SPSP2020 in New Orleans, LA.
Jonathan and former GISP-lab member Mikey Pasek are authors on a new article in Nature Human Behavior that examines effects of intergroup contact on members of socially advantaged and disadvantaged groups in 69 countries.
Jonathan and former GISP-lab member Mikey Pasek are authors on a new article in Nature Human Behavior that examines effects of intergroup contact on members of socially advantaged and disadvantaged groups in 69 countries.
The GISP lab welcomes Nicole Horner, who joins us as our new lab manager!
The GISP lab welcomes Nicole Horner, who joins us as our new lab manager!
Congratulations and best wishes to Jackson Harper, our erstwhile lab manager, who will be leaving us to study information and library science as a graduate student at Indiana University at Bloomington! We are very thankful for all that he has done for the lab.
Congratulations and best wishes to Jackson Harper, our erstwhile lab manager, who will be leaving us to study information and library science as a graduate student at Indiana University at Bloomington! We are very thankful for all that he has done for the lab.