Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Group Identity and Social Perception Lab


As part of the 2023 APS Annual Convention, Jonathan will be a discussant at the symposium, Fostering Equity, Executive Functions, and Math Conceptual Understanding: A Multi-Year Intervention with Black and Latinx Middle School Students, on Friday, May 26th from 10:30–11:50 AM at the Washington Hilton.

Jonathan gave the keynote address at the Spring 2023 Psychology Department Conference at Connecticut College, speaking on Identifying Psychological Risks to Promote Student Success in Higher Education.

Jonathan presented on January 21st on Inclusion in STEM as part of the American Physical Society’s Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (APS CUWiP) at Penn State!

Thanks to all who attended the Psychology Department's virtual info night on 10/12 and joining Jonathan, Samantha, and Nathaniel Schermerhorn who led a discussion about career paths and applying to getting a Ph.D. in social psychology.

Peter gave the talk, Belonging Intervention Mitigates Daily Psychological Threats Among Female PhD Students, at #SPSP2022 as part of a symposium organized by Jonathan and Peter on the social psychology of doctoral education.

Join the Lab

If you are interested in joining the lab as a research assistant or as a postdoctoral researcher, visit the Get Involved page for further information.


Lab Director

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology

Jonathan Cook is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Penn State University and Principal Investigator of the Group Identity and Social Perception Lab.

Dr. Cook’s research investigates how important social categories like race, gender, sexual orientation, or chronic illness, can affect motivational, behavioral, and neurobiological processes over time.

Full biography >>

Post-Doctoral Scholar

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Graduate Students

Affiliated Graduate Students

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Lab Manager

Research Assistants

Photo of Emily Bowersox
Emily Bowersox
Photo of Lorin Harris
Lorin Harris
Photo of Patrick Marquet
Patrick Marquet
Photo of Haonan Pi
Haonan Pi

Lab Alumni

Former Research Assistants

Rachel Adams

Jasmine Blades

Elliot Bruce

Allis Choi

Jaime Chou

Rachel Ebner

Alexa Gambuti

Niyati Goswami

Taryn Green

Faye Ko

Alyssa Li

Elissa Liguori

Wei Liu

Laramie Martinez

Haneefa Murad

Sydney Natishin

Alejandro Olper

Ji Min Park

Varun Rajan

Daniel Rivera

Juliana Ruta

Louisa Soohoo

Rachel Sorrentino

Justin Stanley

Jessica Sunds

Christina Tu

Kevin Wang

Christine Wang

Sean Welton

Carly Winberg

Roxy Zhang